Sunday, April 7, 2013

I Guess I'll Settle For Soy Milk

Hoofta, if you are coming to my blog today and expecting to find a lengthy summary of everything that has been going over the last week, I regret to inform that that is not what you are going to find. My fellow Semester 1 classmates and I had four days of lecture this past week and we had our last day of classes for the semester on Thursday! Woohoo! Unfortunately, that means a bunch of tests are right around the corner. I have basically sat in a classroom since Thursday afternoon studying and preparing for the upcoming week:

Monday: Mini III
Tuesday: Behavioral Practical
Wednesday: Histology Practical & Gross Anatomy Practical

And just for good measure, we have our Cumulative Exam on the following Monday, so there will be no celebration after these first set of tests. It will be right back to the books!

I'm not sure if this is a good sign or not, but I ran out of milk today that I normally have with my cereal in the morning. So this afternoon, I went to the grocery store and they were out of regular milk, so I had to settle for soy milk. I have never had soy milk. Nothing like trying something new on the day of the biggest test of your life (by the way, in medical school the next test is always the biggest/most important test of your life).

Keep me in your thoughts during this treacherous week!