Sunday, March 3, 2013

Hoops!...We Did It Again

It's been quite a while since I have updated you about intramural basketball, so I thought I would do so tonight. Overall we are 6-1 and after losing our first game (obviously it takes at least one game to get used to the Dominican outdoor basketball conditions), team "Hoops!...We Did It Again" has been undefeated. Now, if you didn't understand the reference I just made with our team name...well that most likely means you are old. I don't know why we came up with this name or why we agreed to naming ourselves after a Britney Spears pop song...but we did. Maybe because it was the only thing we could fit the word "hoops" into, I'm not sure. Please don't judge. If you are reading this and are totally lost...I'll try to help you out. Here is a link to what I am talking about:

Here is what our jerseys look like. Again, don't judge...we are bored med students with nothing else to amuse us.

Our team actually draws quite the following, so we ordered t-shirts for all of our fans with the same front, numbers on the back, and the words "Sixth Man" written over the number. You have to give thanks to where it is do...and honestly, I don't know how much fun intramural basketball would be if people didn't come to watch. Now, you're probably wondering why my nickname on the back of my jersey is "The Spaniard." Well, if you didn't know, I was actually born in Madrid, Spain. That's the connection. Besides that, I love the movie Gladiator and could picture myself asking the crowd, after I rattle off a few baskets in a row, the following question:

Once again, you would either have to watch the full clip or have seen the movie to completely understand that reference. But once again, I am glad that I am able to play basketball down here. It brings back a lot of memories from when I played in how it's nice not to have to practice anymore or run suicides. Those days are over.

It is a big week for my fellow first semesters and I; Mini II is on Friday and then we get the whole weekend off!!!! That never happens. never happens. But it is going to happen and I am going to enjoy every minute of it. However, until then I will be studying my butt off all the way to the exam. Godspeed.

1 comment:

  1. Rory and I just watched Gladiators resentlly. :)
