Sunday, September 15, 2013

Food Fight

Living in Dominica, for the lack of better words, has become a little repetitive. Whether I know what is going to happen the following day or not, I can most likely assume that it will include waking up, eating, going to class for four hours, eating, studying till dinner, eating, studying, working out, going home, and finally sleep. There isn't too much variation to that schedule. The only things that do change are the lectures that I attend, the material that I study, and the food that I eat. I know that I've said that I eat Subway for dinner every night, but lately, especially during the beginning of this semester, I've really tried to branch out. It's a little sad, but most people here can't wait to go eat because that means they get to take a break from studying.

Recently, a new/old restaurant opened up in the Picard area. I say new/old because it was an old restaurant called Tomatoes that has changed locations and opened up for this semester in a brand new building. It's actually quite impressive and comparable to something that you might see in the US. I've eaten there twice in the last two weeks and it's been really good food (mushroom & swiss burger; chicken caesar salad). I have also went to a restaurant called Pelligrinos a few times this semester and once again have nothing but good things to say about it. I guess that sometimes it's just nicer to have a real meal instead of plain old Subway.

However, it's not always bad to have Subway in your back pocket for a quick meal. They've really outdone themselves this semester with updating their merchandise. I'm not sure what Subway typically keeps in stock in the US these days, but down here they just upgraded their cookies; they now have "Raspberry Cheesecake" cookies! I never thought that anybody would ever need anything better than a good old fashion chocolate chip cookie. Oh well, surprisingly a lot of people get them.

Besides the new variation of foods and restaurants that I've tried this semester, everything else is same old same old. I feel like I'm becoming a creature of habit.

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